Many pictures illustrate the special texture of the six wood rosary beads: it turns out that there are not only six wood but also nine wood!

TIBUKKYO Derong Collection|Wenwan Buddha Bead Knowledge|What is Jiudaomu? Are there Buddhist beads like Jiudaomu? ——Analysis of the special texture of Liudaomu (multiple pictures with video) Here is the collection of TIBUKKYO Taiwan Derong. Today I want to introduce to you the special wood grain of Liudaomu (also known as Jianglongmu) - Jiudaomu.

Liudaomu Buddha meaning

Liudaomu got its name because of its six deep wood grains. It is recorded in "Wutai Mountain Records" that when Manjusri Bodhisattva returned from India, he brought a crutch with six stripes, which was planted in Wutai Mountain. It means to practice and hold the six perfections, to cut off troubles, and to transform sentient beings in the six realms. And because of the natural six-stripe path, it is also embossed with a six-character motto, which is one of the most respected rosary beads in Buddhism.

Derong Collection|Liudaomu|Nine-daogi Log Map
Derong Collection|Liudaomu|Nine-daogi Log Map

Comparison chart of Liudao wood and Jiudao wood grain

Many people ask, is Jiudaomu natural or man-made? In fact, Jiudaomu is a special texture of Liudaogi, and there are at most twelve special patterns of Liudaogi. Next, let's take a closer look at the natural texture of Jiudaomu!

Derong Collection|Special grain of Liudaomu-Judaomu wood grain
Derong Collection|Special grain of Liudaomu-Judaomu wood grain
TIBUKKYO Derong Collection|Six Paths of Wood Special Grain Nine Paths of Wood Grain
Derong Collection|Special grain of Liudaomu-Judaomu wood grain
Derong Collection|Special grain of Liudaomu-Judaomu wood grain

What is Jiudaomu?

Jiudaomu is the special texture of Liudaomu. The most common wood species of Liudaomu is six obvious wood grains of Liudaomu, while Jiudaomu has nine obvious wood grains, and the special one is Twelve Woods. , but this kind of wood is not common. For example, the group in the video has nine grains of wood. You can compare it with the wood grain of Liudaomu. The wood grain of Liudaomu with good density is not green, but light brown. The Liudao wood with greenway texture is mostly wood with poor density.

In addition, Liudaomu also has a special full-flower texture in appearance, and this beautiful full-pattern pattern will be more obvious when viewed on old materials. In addition, Liudaomu is a wood with low oiliness, which is easier to dry and crack. Early Many people also use the method of cinnabar offering. It is suggested that when playing hand-handling, you can wear it slowly in the early stage, instead of wearing it directly, you can play with a cloth plate, let him slowly change color, and then start playing hand-handed.

Nine Tree Videos

Derong Collection Liudaomu Design (welcome letter design)