台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 10mm|Zoisite Stone

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TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 10mm|Zoisite stone

◎Can be sent directly to Hong Kong, Macau/Singapore and Malaysia

◎Taipei City welcomes face-to-face self-pickup, customized design by letter

台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 8mm|Zoisite Stone
台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 8mm|Zoisite Stone
台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 8mm|Zoisite Stone
台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 8mm|Zoisite Stone
台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 8mm|Zoisite Stone
台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 8mm|Zoisite Stone

◎Zoisite has many colors such as blue, violet, green, brown, pink, yellow, gray or colorless. There are also translucent shapes, among which the darker ones have stronger color. Tanzanite, also known as zoisite (saualpite, Zoisite), is a silicate mineral. Early used as a decorative material, since the blue-purple transparent crystal was discovered in Tanzania in 1967, its status in the gem industry has been increasing. To commemorate the newly established Republic of Tanzania at that time, it was named Tanzanite (Tanzanite), and it was also called Tanzanite abroad. The most expensive of these colors, such as Tanzanite, are often used as rough stones for precious jewelry.

TIBUKKYO Taiwan Derong Collection|Raw ore natural green zoisite hand beads 12mm|Zoisite stone


Zoisite, also known as saualpite after its type locale, is a calcium aluminum hydroxy sorosilicate mineral that belongs to the epidote group. Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O is its chemical formula (OH). Zoisite is found in metamorphic and pegmatitic rock Prismatic, orthorhombic (2/m 2/m 2/m) crystals or in massive form. Colors of zoisite include blue through violet, green, brown, pink, yellow, gray, and colorless.

Tanzanite is the term given to blue crystals. It has a vitreous luster and an irregular to conchoidal fracture. When zoisite crystals are euhedral, they are striated parallel to the major axis (c-axis). One direction of complete cleavage is also parallel to the primary axis. The material has a Mohs hardness of 6 to 7, and its specific gravity ranges from 3.10 to 3.38, depending on the mineral.

For more details, refer to related articles on giant clams:

What are giant clams? Diagram of giant clam grade and degree of jade
【Video】How to distinguish the real and fake jade clams?

Additional information

hand circumference

14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm, 19cm

hand circumference

14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm, 19cm, 20cm

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