TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 10mm|Zoisite stone
TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|原礦天然綠黝簾石手珠 12mm|Zoisite stone
Zoisite, also known as saualpite after its type locale, is a calcium aluminum hydroxy sorosilicate mineral that belongs to the epidote group. Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O is its chemical formula (OH). Zoisite is found in metamorphic and pegmatitic rock as prismatic, orthorhombic (2/m 2/m 2/m) crystals or in massive form. Colors of zoisite include blue through violet, green, brown, pink, yellow, gray, and colorless.
Tanzanite is the term given to blue crystals. It has a vitreous luster and an irregular to conchoidal fracture. When zoisite crystals are euhedral, they are striated parallel to the major axis (c-axis). One direction of complete cleavage is also parallel to the primary axis. The material has a Mohs hardness of 6 to 7, and its specific gravity ranges from 3.10 to 3.38, depending on the mineral.