What is Cypress Seed Bodhi? How to distinguish the origin of cypress seeds?

Author/TIBUKKYO Derong Collection

Cypress seeds Bodhi seeds, also known as passion seeds, are the seeds of Tibetan cypress trees (cypress trees). In Tibet, many monks hold cypress seeds as rosary beads. The appearance of cypress seeds is similar to the surface of Rudraksha Bodhi, but because the seeds of cypress rosary beads are not big in size, it adds a bit of elegance. Today we will introduce to you what exactly is Baixiangzi Rosary? And how to distinguish the origin and quality of Cypress seeds?

What are Cypress Seeds?

Cypress seeds and bodhi seeds are originally from India, and are now growing in Yunnan, Tibetan areas, and Gansu. They are mostly planted around temples. It is believed that it can wash away the dirt of the human body and mind. The branches, leaves and fruits of the cypress tree also have certain medicinal value. The leaves and fruits can be directly used as medicine, which has the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire, cooling blood and detoxifying. disease prevention.

Common cypress seeds are hand-grinded, with clear upper and lower edges and corners, but in order to maintain the natural color of the skin, the size is different, and the color of the pan is divided into red skin and yellow skin color like hyacinth.Cypress seed rosary beads are easier to take care of than other Bodhi seeds, they are not afraid of oil and sweat, and they change color quickly when played with them. The new milky-yellow seeds will start to change color after a week in the hands, and the color will gradually change in the hands after a long time.

Spring comes and summer goes. The most anticipated collection is Cypress Seeds, which have begun to change color after one day of use. I am looking forward to the consequences.
Spring comes and summer goes. The most anticipated collection is Cypress Seeds, which have begun to change color after one day of use. I am looking forward to the consequences. (Photography/TIBUKKYO Derong Collection)

Production areas of Baixiangzi:

(1) One of the types of Qinghai seeds/cypress seeds:

The shape of Qinghai seeds is like a pumpkin, and there are many old pieces of cypress seeds that are Qinghai seeds. If you don’t mind its shape, it can actually be rolled into old pieces. Another characteristic is that the "ghost face" is deeper (natural depressions are not insect-eaten), there are many bad seeds eaten by insects (if they can be selected in the early stage, it is naturally good), and the seed type is less uniform (same as the characteristics of bad seeds, this It is the problem of the bad seed rate) The bad seed rate is slightly higher and it is more inconvenient to clean. If the non-selected Qinghai seeds have a high rate of bad seeds, the shape is like a pumpkin, and the deep hole is not easy to clean, but there are many grimaces.

One of the origins of cypress seeds, Qinghai seeds
One of the origins of cypress seeds, Qinghai seeds

(two)Tibetan seeds (except Rezheng):

The Tibetan seeds mentioned here are seeds other than Rezhen, and they are just two kinds of big contrasts with Qinghai seeds. Tibetan seeds are round and big, but lack aesthetic creases, and there are many insects. Generally, fewer people play with them. There are just two big contrasts with Qinghai seeds. Tibetan seeds are round, bulky, less broken, and more moth-eaten. Generally, fewer people play with them.

One of the origins of cypress seeds, Tibet seeds
One of the origins of cypress seeds, Tibet seeds

(three)Tibetan Hot Vibration Seeds

At present, it is more popular, especially the old pieces of Rezheng, and it is hard to find a bead for collectors. The advantage of hot vibrating seeds is that the natural creases are moderate, the seeds are longer and not too thick, and there are fewer moths. Unselected hot seeds have the least number of moths, the meat is rich and the creases are moderate, and generally there are few grimaces.

One of the origins of cypress seeds, Tibet Rezhenzi
One of the origins of cypress seeds, Tibet Rezhenzi

The seeds of the digression - non-cypress seeds are often misidentified: Neem, because it also has natural creases similar to cypress seeds, it is often said to be a variety of cypress seeds, but it is not.


Where can I buy Tibetan Cypress Seed Rosary Beads?