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Can be sent to Hong Kong and Macau, delivered by SAF express, delivered today on weekdaysnext day delivery.


◎Taipei City welcomes face-to-face delivery/can do a variety of customized collocations
◎Can be sent to Hong Kong, Macau/Singapore and Malaysia, delivered on weekdays, and delivered on the next day


Introduction to South Red Agate

Southern red agate, known as "red jade" in ancient times, has a fine and oily texture. It was exhausted during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, so the price of Laonan red agate rose sharply. The ancients used Nanhong agate as medicine to nourish the heart and blood. The red pearl (pearl) in the seven treasures of Buddhism refers to Nanhong agate. If you want to clean Nanhong, you can add salt to clean water and stir evenly to soak and wipe Nanhong.
Due to the volcanic eruption of Nanhong, some of them will have natural cracks. Although the cracks can be reduced by turning and polishing, they are still unavoidable (of course there are also non-cracked Nanhong, which are expensive or plastic imitation). Red".
There are many kinds of southern red materials, among which persimmon red is the most popular. If you see clear white spots, it is a "red and white" material, and red and white are accompanied by each other, such as common red and white silk materials, among which red and white are rare.

For more detailed information, please refer to related articles on Southern Red Agate:

Jade Knowledge|The Difference Between Warring States Red and Southern Red Agate
【Video】Comparison of natural ore southern red agate

Additional information

hand circumference

14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm, 19cm

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