Jade Knowledge|The Difference Between Warring States Red and Southern Red Agate

Hello everyone, this is the Tibukkyo Taiwan Derong Collection. Today I would like to introduce the Warring States Red Agate to you. Warring States Red is only divided into Xuanhua material and Mongolian material. The texture of Xuanhua material is more tortuous, while the blending color of Warring States red, orange and red in Mongolian material is more full. It is very different from the color of persimmon red full color and full flesh ~ you can refer to this episode of the video. Warring States Red is a kind of red onyx, named after the place of origin, it can be called "Beipiao Red Onyx".

The difference between the color of red agate and southern red agate in the Warring States period

(1) The color characteristics of Warring States Red

The structure of Warring States Red has the general characteristics of agate, that is, it is mainly wrapped with silk, and the corners are prominent, changing magnificently. The main reason why the Warring States Red is famous is because it is mainly wrapped in silk, and the corners are prominent. Most of the Warring States Reds have red and yellow colors, and a small part contains other colors, such as purple, white, green, black, etc., and these colors are now classified into variegated colors. In this way, the colors can be divided into red, yellow, white, purple, green and transparent. Unlike other onyx, its spectrum ranges from scarlet, vermilion to deep red, covering a wide range of color saturation. There are few raw stones with a single solid color in Warring States Red. Even on a raw stone with only red color, many different red colors will appear. Like red, the yellow of Warring States Red also has a wide range of chromaticity, from lemon yellow to orange to earthy yellow, there are many kinds of yellow, and a small amount of yellow will transition to green. 


(2) The color characteristics of southern red agate

Southern red agate is the highest color with full color and full flesh. There are three main colors:

  • Full color and full fleshy southern red: the color is full and the color is persimmon red
  • Flame pattern southern red: full color but not fleshy, with distinct color layers
  • Bingpiao Nanhong: the color and flesh are not satisfied, and sometimes it appears frozen white

Where to buy Warring States Red and Southern Red?
