Taiwan Derong Collection|Original undyed white crystal hand beads 6mm|Blue tiger eye|Purple ghost beads

Item No. 47102432 Classification Label , , ,


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TIBUKKYO Taiwan Derong Collection|Original undyed white crystal hand beads 6mm|Blue tiger eye stone|Purple ghost beads

Accessories: Raw ore undyed blue tiger's eye|Purple ghost beads
◎Taipei City welcomes face-to-face self-pickup, customized matching of letters, and direct delivery to Hong Kong, Macau/Singapore and Malaysia

◎White crystal, also known as "Mani Orb", is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. The crystal of white crystal is transparent, slightly cracked with cotton wadding. Compared with other crystals, the distribution of white crystal is the most widely distributed, and it is known as the "King of Crystals".

Phantom crystal is also known as "anomaly crystal", which means that during the growth process of crystal, minerals such as volcanic mud of different colors are included, and natural phenomena such as clouds, water plants, whirlpools and even pyramids emerge in clear white crystal. Those with green inclusions are called green ghost crystals. In the same way, red ghosts, white ghosts, purple ghosts, gray ghost crystals, etc. will also be formed due to the change of the color of the volcanic mud.

Taiwan Derong Collection|Original undyed white crystal hand beads 6mm|Blue tiger eye|Purple ghost beads
Taiwan Derong Collection|Original undyed white crystal hand beads 6mm|Blue tiger eye|Purple ghost beads


Additional information

hand circumference

14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm, 19cm

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