Taiwan Derong Collection|High throwing white jade bodhi root 8x6mm apple circle 108 pieces|Cloisonné brass Buddha head


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Can be sent to Hong Kong and Macau, delivered by SAF express, delivered today on weekdaysnext day delivery.


Tibukkyo Taiwan Derong Collection|High throwing white jade bodhi root 8x6mm apple circle 108 pieces|Cloisonne brass Buddha head|Carnelian beads
Accessories: Cloisonne Brass Buddha Head

◎Taipei City welcomes face-to-face delivery/can do a variety of customized collocations
◎Can be sent to Hong Kong, Macau/Singapore and Malaysia, delivered on weekdays, and delivered on the next day
◎Bodhi root is not a tree root, but a seed called palm leaf palm, which belongs to a kind of bodhi seed. In ancient India, the leaves of palm leaf palm were used to make Buddhist scriptures, also known as "shell leaf scriptures". The bodhi root will change color after a long period of playing, and it may open after a longer period of time. It is a good product for making rosary beads.


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