Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 6x8mm 36 pieces|Thuja Pendant

Item No. 47103015 Classification , Label , ,


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Tibukkyo Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 6x8mm|Thuja Pendant
Accessories: raw amethyst + six wooden beads + thuja pendant
(Because the cypress seeds are natural bodhi seeds, the upper and lower channels are finely cut and ground, and there will be an error of about 0.5mm in size)

◎Can be sent directly to Hong Kong, Macau/Singapore and Malaysia
◎North City welcomes face-to-face delivery and self-pickup, and can be customized for letters and collocations

Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 7x8mm|Thuja Pendant
Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 7x8mm|Thuja Pendant
Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 7x8mm|Thuja Pendant
Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 7x8mm|Thuja Pendant
Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 7x8mm|Thuja Pendant
Taiwan Derong Collection|Tibet Rezhen Cypress Seeds 7x8mm|Thuja Pendant

Passion seed bodhi seed:
Cypress seeds, also known as passion seeds and cypress seeds, are the seeds of Tibetan cypress trees (cypress trees), which originated in India and are now grown in Yunnan, Tibetan areas, and Gansu, and are mostly planted around temples.

There are many street trees in the temple, and the branches and leaves are often taken by the monks to boil water for the purpose of purifying the body, which is believed to wash away the dirt of the human body and mind. The branches, leaves and fruits of the cypress tree also have certain medicinal value. The leaves and fruits can be directly used as medicine, which has the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire, cooling blood and detoxifying. disease prevention.


Workmanship features:

The seeds of Rezhensi have plump skin and flesh, less moths and clear lines.
After playing for a while, the flesh turned red, comparable to Vajra Bodhi, and even more precious than Vajra.
The seeds are generally small. In terms of maintenance, you can soak them in warm water first, and use a bristle brush to play with them every day, so that the surface lines will not be stained with dust, and the patina will be beautiful and not gray.

Additional information

hand circumference

14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm, 19cm

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