台灣德榕藏品|太行崖柏手珠 15mm|高油滿瘤疤

Item No. 47102960-1-2 Classification , Label ,


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If you feel that the goods are not suitable, please contact us immediately after receiving the goods. If you have already worn it with your handscannot be returned.

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TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|太行崖柏手珠 15mm|高油滿瘤疤

◎North City welcomes face-to-face delivery and self-pickup, and can be customized for letters and collocations

Thuja wood beads have a sweet, pure and refreshing aroma, and are fragrant wooden beads. The main producing areas are divided into Sichuan materials, Tibetan materials and Taihang materials. Sichuan ingredients are spicy, Tibetan ingredients are bitter, and Taihang ingredients are the most popular production areas. In addition to their high density, they also have a sweet aroma. Everyone also likes the old thuja, which is generally oily and not easy to crack.

TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|太行崖柏手珠 15mm|高油滿瘤疤
TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|太行崖柏手珠 15mm|高油滿瘤疤

For more details, please refer to related articles on Thuja cypress:

What is Taihang Thuja Buddha Beads? How does Bai Ya distinguish between good and bad? Actual comparison of thuja burl and water ripple

Additional information

hand circumference

14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm, 19cm, 20cm

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