TIBUKKYO台灣德榕藏品|原礦白瑪瑙手珠14mm圓珠|瑪瑙手串|White Agate
◎瑪瑙由於外形與馬腦相似,因此稱它為「瑪瑙」。它是佛教七寶之一,自古以來一直被當為辟邪物、護身符使用。白瑪瑙根據瑪瑙的顏色分類。白瑪瑙有幾種色調,較透明而無色者,狀如水晶。 白瑪瑙分兩種,一種透明,另一種也不透明。透明者皓白如凡,能看到內部的層次變化。不透明者,細看也可以發現少量變化的硅質層次。

White Agate Properties
White agate is a stone of balance and release. It is credited with harmonizing an individual’s feminine and masculine sides, helping the body release toxins and building the immune system. It is also believed to improve concentration and analytical frames of mind, as well as release traumas and provide the courage to trust.
For proponents of energy work and crystal healing, white agate is believed to be beneficial for mental issues, including everyday challenges such as frustration and anxiety. It is believed to stimulate the crown chakra and is often used to make worry stones. This white stone is often attributed to its power to attract angelic helpers and spirit guides.